Data & Material Policies: The OMRF ACI Cores provide access to de-identified clinical research data, samples and select experimental data with the understanding that all institutional policies regarding human subject research (IRB approvals) will be appropriately followed. Material transfer agreements (MTA) are to be executed PRIOR to shipping/sending of any data or samples to any investigator (both inside or outside of the institution). When the Cores provide data or samples to individuals within OMRF, all requests require documentation of an IRB approved study. When the Cores provide data or samples to individuals outside of OMRF, all request will require documentation of an IRB approved study, FWA# of approving IRB, and documentation of execution of an MTA before samples or data will be provided. Any MTA must recognize that provided data or samples limits the use of those materials to the exact studies and investigators referenced. No data or materials can be transferred to a third party. Any derivatives of materials must be expressly approved by the ACI Core management and OMRF PRIOR to generation of those derivatives and those derivatives are subject to all limitations of the parent material, e.g. they cannot be sold or distributed to a third party without the appropriate OMRF/ACI approvals.
Citation of ACI Core Funding Sources: The OMRF ACI Cores, specifically the Clinical, Biorepository, Human Phenotyping Cores, are subsidized by multiple NIH and other non-profit funding sources. As per NIH regulations, all funding sources associated with these Arthritis and Clinical Immunology Core services must be cited in presentations and publications resulting from ANY use of these Cores. Investigators who have received data, samples, analysis support, IRB or protocol development support, consultation, used Core resources/equipment implicitly agree to cite the Cores in any and all publications and presentations where these resources are used. This agreement is purposefully broad and investigators should consider that any support for pilot projects or queries for data or samples is support for not only that immediate project, but demonstrates support for any new funding that relied upon those pilot/preliminary data and therefore must continue to be cited as providing support.
To facilitate the adequate citation of use of these NIH funded infrastructure resources, investigators must also provide the publication drafts to the Cores PRIOR to submission to ensure that all appropriate funding sources and collection contributors are appropriately acknowledged. Additionally, all investigators receiving Core services will guarantee that all reasonable efforts will be undertaken to ensure appropriate PMCID entry is completed in a timely and accurate fashion.
The funding sources to be acknowledged when Core services are utilized currently include: P30GM103510, P20RR020143, P30AR073750, and U54GM104938.